JMBIOTECH Co. Ltd. was founded in 2015 as the first company in South Korea to develop innovative drug delivery devices based on a micro multi-needle technology. The company is dedicated to continuous research and development of products and brands for medical professionals using this special multi-needle technology. JMBIOTECH is directly operating the hospital & clinic centered brands that are positioned in the field of cosmetic surgery and medical aesthetics.
In principle, all our technology and its developments undergo a thorough validation by medical professionals and academic knowledge before introduced to the customers and patients.

Main fields of business

  • Multi-needle Device -
    Drug Delivery System

  • Research and Development (R&D)
    and Manufacturing

  • Medical Aesthetic and
    Cosmetic Surgery Brand

  • Global Contract Manufacturing
    Organization (CMO) Business


JMBIOTECH's technology and developments are guided by the principles of being patient-centric and fulfilling technological innovation. Starting from innovative thinking, our products are validated by experienced medical experts, and under the strict quality control.

Turtle - The Aesthetics of Slowness

Turtle is a symbolic and auspicious animal in Oriental studies. It symbolizes honesty, prosperity, and longevity. It teaches lessons of good deeds by not forgetting others kindness but return the favor and do no harms on others for personal gain. Through its long life of journey, it awakens us what true longevity means in life. JMBIOTECH incorporates this meaningful value of Turtle into various aspects of our brands and be inspired constantly with its aesthetics.



